Home Discord Server

NO NSFW! ~ NSFW Is forbidden in our server, due to the fact there are minors here and we want to keep our server a fun, happy AND healthy place for everyone!

NO SPAM NOR SELF-PROMO! ~ Self promotion + Spamming Is also forbidden in our server, this avoids any 18+ servers or dangerous scams crawling its way here!

WE DON'T WANT TOXICITY! ~ Please don't be rude nor toxic to our staff or members, this place Is meant to be fun for all and people being mean towards others will ruin other's experiences.

SLURS, RACIST REMARKS AND NEGATIVE ATTITUDES ARE NOT TOLERATED! ~ We do not want any racist slurs, nor offensive remarks here. That Is NOT tolerated and will result in a ban. Profanity Is allowed, but please keep at at a minimum.

PLEASE FOLLOW OUR TOS! Discord wants to keep you safe, and so do we! Please keep up with the rules of discord! : https://discord.com/terms

If you have any issues or problems that has not yet been sorted accordingly with a staff / moderator. PLEASE use a ticket and one of us will assist you as fast as possible!